- Veröffentlicht am: 2009
- Anzahl der Produkte: 1
- Einband: Gebundene Ausgabe
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1 von 1 Kunden fanden die folgende Rezension hilfreich.a fine balance between disgusted depression and the pull of life and humor
Von Tia
I didn't approach this book as reading a novel, rather as viewing a piece of art. I learned that lesson from Nick Cave's first novel.Cave presents a morally lacking anti-hero in an earthy, dirty situation of his own making. The action begins as things start to spiral out of control. I normally can't handle disgusting, depressing books, and Cave just barely saves this from becomming one by infusing the tone with a sort of die-hard humor and lust for life.Cave paints a thorough, complex portrait while taking the reader on a fresh and surprising ride. I would suggest the book for Nick Cave fans and tell the faint of heart to steer clear.
5 von 7 Kunden fanden die folgende Rezension hilfreich.THE INIQUITY OF THE FATHERS
Von Susanne Luger
From the very first pages you wait: For the magic moment you finally know where to rest your eyes, and this spot, this person, it is hard to find. Bunny is introduced as an unapologetic scumbag, and even if you grant him the burden of being a sexual addict, it makes you wince noticing the neglect and disregard he has for his little son, Bunny Junior. Nick Cave exercises Bunny's monstrously loveless attitude in a number of situations - be it the theft of a nearly blind aged woman, the rape of a comatose junkie, the insulting of those marginalized by society - which is both safe and cheap - but most of all in the blatant neglect of Bunny Junior, who is sitting in the car, starving, while his father tries to screw his customers; who is being circled by sexual predators himself, without his increasingly deranged father noticing neither this nor the declining condition of his son's eyes nor the emotional needs of a small boy whose mother just hanged herself in the master bedroom.Biblical images run through the whole novel: When Bunny subjects his son to his drunken ravings in a smoke-filled hotel room or feeds junk food to him; it seems Jesus was mistaken when he said "If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if [he ask] a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?" (Luke 11:11) - Well, Bunny manages to do that, and Bunny Junior, with all the helpless adoration of a child, swallows serpent and stone.The devil is on the loose: rampaging his way down to the south, providing apocalyptic momentum and, at the same time, trying to put into perspective who is the real source of all evil: Satan, who sodomizes Bunny in a near-death-experience after the final car crash.That simple?Cave leaves clues to the Whodunit-paper chase throughout the novel, but finally, when we encounter Bunny Senior, it all falls from the eyes as it had been scales: We witness the emotional and physical abuse of Bunny (once having been a Bunny Junior himself) at the hands of his father, his helplessness, his submission ("Please, don't", he says quietly awaiting the strike of his father's cane), and his impotence, once more, to keep his son from harm.Yes of course: There it is, Exodus 20:5, "for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me", and we can sense Bunny Junior's future as a model of his father in the absolute adoration he has for his Dad.Well, at the end there is the marching band. Bunny gets to make his amends: He apologizes to an audience of his victims, his personal purgatory, encouraged by a little cameo of the author himself. And lo and behold: Forgiveness and contrition are being exchanged, Bunny is reunited with his son for a final round on a little toy train.There is a lot more to be said about this novel; what about the victims, anyway? This is a man's world - is it? Heaven is for victims, isn't it? Limit is the key. Limited is the point of view, which deals primarily with the perpetrator, and the central questions "What makes us evil?" and "How can we be redeemed?" There is little or no room for the victims, only insofar as they are - like Bunny Junior - part of the cycle of abuse, or as we catch glimpses of their disassembling in grief (Bunny's wife Libby).The curtain goes down, the lights go up, and a lot of questions are left unanswered. Perhaps this was intended.
0 von 0 Kunden fanden die folgende Rezension hilfreich.Das Projekt ist gelungen...
Von Kirsten Van Der Neut
Cave ist gelungen, was er auch im richtigen Leben immer gern tut, er polarisiert und das sehr gekonnt. Das Buch ist, wie vorab schon erwähnt, nichts für "Nicht-Cave-Fans" oder Menschen, die ein wenig romantisch auf der Brust sind. Für diejenigen, die Cave mögen und verstehen sind Buch und Hörbuch ein absolutes Highlight. Denn so, wie der Autor selbst seinen Hauptdarsteller liest (danke hier auch an Blixa fürs Einlesen in deutsch, aber das ist - sorry - nicht vergleichbar, dennoch herrlich) merkt der aufmerksame Zuhörer die Zwischennoten, die Cave auch hier wieder exzellent eingestreut hat. Musiker halt.
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